Welcome everybody to the school year 2018-2019! 

Firstly, we want to introduce you the English teachers of Primary Education: 

-JESÚS: 1st grade 
-MARIA ANTONIA: 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. 
-ESTHER: 5th and 6th grade. 

Secondly, we are glad to show you our new blog! As you can see there is a tab for each grade. Inside of each one you will find a post destined to work and improve one of the communicative english skills. 

Finally, we invite you to visit our blog when you want and we hope that our work will be very useful for you. 

Have a nice year! 
Benvinguts a tots al curs 2018-2019!

Primerament, us volem presentar als mestres d'anglès d'educació primària:

-JESÚS: 1r
-MARIA ANTONIA: 2n. 3r i 4t.
-ESTHER: 5è i 6è.

En segon lloc, estem contents de mostrar-vos el nostre nou blog! Tal i com podeu veure, hi ha una pestanya per cada curs. Dins de cadascuna trobaràs una entrada destinada a treballar i millorar cadascuna de les habilitats comunicatives de l'anglès.

Finalment, us convidem a visitar el nostre blog quan volgueu i esperem que el nostre treball us sigui molt útil!

Bon curs!